(2024.02) Our lab on an Oreum (hill) in Jeju island
(2024.01) Our lab won the research grant “Naver Digital Bio Research Project (2024-2026)” from the Naver Corporation (PI: Seoul National University Hospital).
(2023.12) Our work on the hyperthemia optimization using the quantum annealing was accepted in the IEEE AWPL.
(2023.09) Jihoon Seo joined our lab as an MS student. Welcome aboard!
(2023.08) AELab on the Sokcho Beach
(2023.05) Hyeongjun Cho receives the National Scholarship for Academic Excellence (2023-2025) from the Korea Student Aid Foundation. Congratulations!
(2023.04) Our paper titled ‘‘Wireless Power Transfer and Telemetry for Implantable Bioelectronics" was certified as one of the most downloaded papers during its first 12 months of publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials.
(2023.03) Our work on a mm-sized implantable glucose sensor was accepted and will be presented in IEEE RFIC Symposium, San Diego, on Monday, June 12, 2023. We look forward to seeing you there.
(2023.03) Our lab won the research grant “중견연구자지원사업(2023-2028)” from the National Research Foundation of Korea.
(2023.03) Sangbin Lee joined the AELab as an MS student. Welcome aboard!
(2023.02) Sangbin Lee won the Best Poster Award in the KIEES winter conference. Congratulations!
(2022.09) Our work on an embedded antenna in concrete structure was published in IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
(2022.08) AELab surfing in Jeju island!
(2022.08) Our work on radar clutter signal was published in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
(2022.06) Our work on wide-range WPT using PT symmetry was published in Science Advances and featured in the articles such as [newsis, betanews, fnnews].
(2022.05) Prof. Arya's work on mmWave antenna for vehicular applications received the Best Paper Award in the 14-th Global Symposium on Millimeter-Waves and Terahertz (GSMM). Congratulations!
(2022.03) Jongheon Lee and Junghoon Park were accepted as PhD students in University of Southern California and University of Michigan Ann Arbor, respectively. Congratulations!
(2022.01) Sangbin Lee, Soyul Han, and Hyeonkeon Lee receieved KHU Fellowship,
(2021.11) Prof. Kim received the Young Researcher Award from the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (KIEES).